Prior to the beginning of the course, participants will be able to familiarise themselves with both the training course topic (accessing the slides of the lectures that will be delivered during the course) and with the course methodology (getting access to the course structure and tools). A web site including a common web space where participants will be able to upload materials and collaborate will be developed, providing the participants with all necessary information such as: course description, programme, educational material; information about travel & accommodation will also be provided. The organisers will provide the participants with recent European research reports in the fields of technology-enhanced learning, methodological framework of competence driven educational approaches, pilot projects and good practices. The participants will be invited to create an overview of key competence acquisition (KCA) in their institution and participate to corresponding user groups (European Teachers & Trainers interested in resource based learning practices related to projects serving as best practices, such as AQUEDUCT: Acquiring Key Competences through Heritage Education, MACE: Metadata for Architectural Contents in Europe, Citer: The European History Virtual Classroom, AGROweb: An Innovative Approach to the Usage of the Internet for Interdisciplinary Learning, WebTv for schools, EUROSPIN: European Students Press Initiative, COLLAGE: Collaborative Learning Platform Using Game-like Enhancements, Block Magic: Triggering essential skills with technology enhanced manipulatives) and then act as change agents in their schools. The participants will be also guided to prepare a series of multidisciplinary educational activities making use of open digital educational resources from existing online repositories (such as Europeana), Museums and also their own educational resources (pictures, videos, links, texts). These educational scenarios will be enhanced during the course.