The aim of the course taking place in the context of the project “TRANSIt: Training teachers in competence based education” is to have a positive impact on the development of students’ transversal competences, creativity, collaboration, and effective communication skills by promoting the use of real world authentic learning activities by immersing participating teachers in the process of resource based approaches via their interaction with a unique collection of open resources (linked with the associated curricula). These resources do not impose a fixed curriculum but support the development of a model that can be customised to reflect location and culture. In addition, teachers will be trained to select appropriate freely available ICT tools that suit their own needs in terms of planning, implementing and sharing pedagogical ideas. This will further empower them to create effective multidisciplinary scenarios promoting competence acquisition and creativity to use in their classrooms with their students as well as online. Examples of activities could include the combination of music activities with science education or language learning (e.g. writing a Science Opera, Environmental Art & Science project) and architecture with botany (e.g. plants and their history could be a great stimulus for an interdisciplinary approach to botany, history, geology: acanthus as ornamentation in ancient Corinthian columns). Teachers will participate in hands-on sessions, such as with technology enhanced manipulatives that promote competences & reflect on how these could be assessed (BlockMagic Teacher Kit). Finally, issues around contemporary demographic realities in Europe will be addressed (as reflected in classrooms) by investigation of topics such as migration patterns (geography), cultural integration/ethnic minorities (social sciences), human rights and equality (ethics) and promotion of sustainable cooperation and communication (business and sociology).